Hyper-connected generation and Discernment: A Franciscan perspective


  • Martín Carbajo Núñez Pontificia Università Antonianum; Franciscan School of Theology (Univ. of San Diego)




Discernimento, Cultura digital, Comunicação, Franciscanismo, Ética.


This article asserts the urgent need of discernment in our hyper-connected and hyper-accelerated society that drives people to frenetic activity and constant hurry. Furthermore, “the speed with which information is communicated exceeds our capacity for reflection and judgement.” The first part of the article focuses on discernment and indicates some of its characteristics, paying special attention to the Franciscan perspective. The second part reflects on how to practice it in order to meet the ethical challenges of our digital culture.

Keywords: Discernment; Digital culture; Communication; Franciscanism; Ethics.


Síntese: Este artigo afirma a urgente necessidade de discernimento em nossa sociedade hiperconectada e hiper-acelerada que leva as pessoas a ativismo frenético e constante pressa; além disso, “a velocidade da informação e da comunicada ultrapassa nossa capacidade de reflexão e julgamento”. Diante disso, a primeira parte do artigo concentra-se no discernimento e indica algumas de suas características, prestando especial atenção à perspectiva franciscana. A segunda parte reflete sobre como exercitar o referido discernimento ante os desafios éticos de nossa cultura digital.


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Martín Carbajo Núñez, Pontificia Università Antonianum; Franciscan School of Theology (Univ. of San Diego)

Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, has a Doctorate degree in moral theology (Alfonsiana Academy, Rome), a license degree in Germanic philology (Santiago de Compostela Univ.), a Master in social communication (Gregorian Univ., Rome), and he is a qualified computer technician in management informatics. He is extraordinarius professor at the Pontifical University Antonianum (Rome, Italy), where he holds the Chair of Social Ethics. He currently teaches ethics and communication at three universities; two in Rome: Antonianum (PUA) and Alfonsianum (PUL), one in the USA: the FST, affiliated with Univ. San Diego (California). At the PUA he has been Vice-Rector and Rector Magnifico ad interim for three years.


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Carbajo Núñez, M. (2019). Hyper-connected generation and Discernment: A Franciscan perspective. Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira, 78(311), 548–565. https://doi.org/10.29386/reb.v78i311.1396